Make sure to check out
It was created just for people like you.

Now for my brief moving story. Last move I made, the company that hired me paid for the move and contracted the movers for me. (This was back during the boom years, so the company even gave me an extra cash bonus to pay for the taxes that I would have to pay because they were "giving" me the moving. (And, yes, it was calculated to be enough to cover the taxes on itself, as well.))

Sounds pretty simple and painless, right?

Well, basically it was.

They sent over an "estimator" to walk through my house and figure out how much room they would need. (They used GIANT trucks which were packed with stuff from multiple houses with separators between.) I told him I had two cars plus everything else in the house.

He took a bunch of notes, made some calculations, and left.

A few days later....

The movers stormed in, packed everything, labelled the boxes by which room they were from, and loaded it.

Next week, they showed up at my new house, several thousand miles away, and delivered my car to my temporary housing. A month later (after I found a house), I called them and they came by and unloaded the boxes inside there.

No muss, no fuss, no bother.

There were just a couple of silly things and one annoying thing.

The silly thing: they get paid per box, and they get in trouble if they break anything. So there were a (very) few loose random things (like a shoe or a CD) that they carefully wrapped in tons of paper and put in its very own box.
I actually think they do a couple of these to everybody just as a standard little joke to amuse you when you are unpacking.

The annoying thing. The Estimator badly mis-estimated how much room all my bookcases full of books would take and that my closets were packed.

As the movers finished up the inside, I asked them "so which car do you want to load first?" They looked at each other with consternation for a minute and said, "You had much more stuff than we were told. The truck is full. We only have room for one car."

So I ended up having to leave the Jeep behind!

The only reason this didn't really upset me was that I knew a place to store it, and that I was going to visit the old town frequently over the next year, and this would save on rental cars. And I had therefore considered not moving the Jeep anyway.

Had that not been the case, I'm not sure what would have happened. I think they would have had to summon an additional truck just for the 2nd vehicle, I would have gotten it a month or two later, and someone might have gotten fired for screwing up so badly.

As it was, my moving experience was easy and painless.
(Except for having to unpack all the damn boxes later!)

Anyway, be sure to check out the MovingScam link.

P.S. Have a great time in Austin. It's a very fun town. Doubly so if you are single!