I've got my server completely up and running now, I've learnt a few things about Linux software RAID along the way - like if you install a new kernel while an array is degraded it will always be degraded on reboot, until you re-run mkinitrd.

I have one problem though. It looks like the EPIA SP 13000 refuses to boot if it is hot. It will soft reboot quite happily, a "reboot" from the Linux command line works perfectly.

If however I use the power switch on the box to power it off and back on or yank the power it refuses to boot. It powers the main board (the Ethernet link light comes on) but doesn't turn on the VGA output or spin up the drives.

If I leave it a few minutes and try again it boots ok.

I think it was doing this before I replaced the fansink with the heat pipe, though I only booted it a couple of times before removing the fansink.

Anyone else seen anything like this ?
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday