Is it possible to disable the voladj choice on booting and retain this function in the menu?

Yes. You can alter the order of the "While" loop in the init script so that it runs the player first, before the picker. That means the player will boot with voladj always on, but then you can turn it off by selecting QUIT from the menu.

Instructions for doing this were somewhere else on the BBS already. Possibly somewhere down lower in this very thread. Have a look and see...

Actually it would be more logical if the menu function would be under Sound submenu and would be named Volume Adjustment or VolAdj.

If I could do that, I would. Unfortunately, it's not within my power. The player software is closed-source and I cannot alter its menu structure.

You can only Quit the player software so that it returns control to a different program (in this case, the shell script with the Picker).

Hey, at least we can be glad they gave us the "Quit" option, right?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris