The unit could be opened much like a CD-Drive using the small, long button that dominates the front plate. Not servo driven though - pull out, like laptop drives. One could insert a cd this way or have a closer look at the guts of this baby.
A standard 19" Monitor was connected, and showed a regular W2K screen at what seemed like a 1024x768 resolution. Sadayoshi Yoshida (I think), who demo'ed the unit to me said they yet have to find a suitable in-car display. Something like a 6.4" TFT i would guess.
He too let the MX9lbti connect to the Internet via some cell phone utilizing blue tooth... and had the unit dial a number on the phone.
However, for mp3 playback he used a copy of winamp operating it with one of those handheld trackballs. Not really something to fiddle around with while driving.

Seemed like this is a raw prototype with no comsumer-orientated software developed, just to see how well the technology works under these circumstances.

_______ Thomas