
#(boot the player)
q #(exits player application, goes to shell)
rw #(read/write root filesystem)
rwm #(read/write music filesystems)
cd /empeg/bin #(go to a known directory)
#(use hyperterm to upload the file "250635-set_empeg_max_fid.v7" to this directory)
chmod 755 250635-set_empeg_max_fid.v7 #(makes it executable)
./250635-set_empeg_max_fid.v7 #(runs it)

rom #(music filesystems to read only)
ro #(root filesystem to read only)
exit #(exits shell, player application restarts)
#(if all goes well, reboot player and test a sync...)

On the cd /empeg/bin part, do I need to specify drive0 or drive1 since the player has dual drives?
Bodybag - So Cal
Not a Whiner any more!!!