There is a limited amount of space in the flash RAM for custom bootup logos.

Let's see. Each logo pair is about 4k. And the difference between address 0xA000 and 0x1000 is about 24k bytes. So that leaves about 20k free for future expansion in that area.

Okay, no one has done it yet, but it's feasible that if you did a kernel hack combined with an ioctl script, you could replace the four bytes at a000 with your own proprietary tag scheme and tell it which of the five logos you want on the next boot via an ioctl script.

It could be done, but:

a) It'd be lots of trouble to write.
b) Would require a custom kernel (each time you upgrade the player software you need to re-compile the kernel and re-upload it).
c) Would become obsolete as soon as Empeg decided they wanted to do something with the extra space between a000 and 10000.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris