I've had enough! I was going to include this in my third "Question Thread," but I can't wait until I have more questions to pose this one:

What can I do to cool down my office?

I think I asked about portable air conditioners before, but since I can't run the exhaust anywhere, I'll broaden my question. I was warned when I started this job that my office would be warmer than average. I should have known that given my distaste for heat, this would not be pleasant. I also didn't believe them that it was the sun that did it. Sure enough, I'm on the southern side of the building, so sun is beating down on my row of offices all day long every day. I just recently put a thermometer in here so I could proove to people that I'm not just crazy. It turns out that my office is always at least 76 degrees (F), and on average it's about 79 and gets up to 82. That is unacceptable, but apparently there's nothing I can do about it. The building people don't really care, and the air vents in these offices don't do the job. Apparently they're designed to push the heat out at the ceiling horizontally. That's great, except this concept sends the cold air cascading down the window, meaning it's getting burnt up by the sun. Great planning!

So does anyone have any suggestions? I really need to do something about this, as it's affecting my work and my alertness. I remember someone once posted an article here about some study that showed people are more likely to fall asleep when their offices are cold. I don't know where they got their findings, because I've fallen asleep at the keyboard three times in the last two weeks. Fortunately nobody saw me.

Before anyone says "get a fan," well...don't say it. Fans don't do jack. When it's 80 degrees in your stuffy office, fans are useless. I've even thought of trying some of the projects listed here, but I wanted to get peoples' opinions here first.