I now have displayserver, volume adjustment and tetris (via Frank's / tony's picker) working.

Remember that I didn't write any of the software in that picker. All I did was assemble a few different pieces of software and create step-by-step instructions on how to install it all together. The original authors are all credited in the readme file.

Telnet, FTP, and text editing can all be installed in the same way you'd install them on any other Linux system. Those things are stripped out of the system by default, but you can stick them on the hard disk if you really want to. It isn't trivial to do it because of all the dependencies, and I've never done it before, but I know some folks have been able to do it successfully. Do some searches on this BBS for old threads about installing FTP and you'll see some discussions on the subject.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris