I did uncheck the 1 gb split feature I guess I was confused by the files other than the vob. I was expecting one file not two folders with several files.

Making a iso is a good idea I might just do that if I can't find something I like better.

Why? That doesn't make sense. An ISO, I believe, won't be playable by any video playback software whatsoever. A VOB file can (VLC can for sure, and possibly Media Player Classic, among others).

You might want to try using the "Re-author" mode instead of the Full Disc mode. In that mode, you can simply rip individual tracks from the DVD. It will usually highlight which one is the main movie (whichever is the biggest in size). Drag that over and nothing else.

Then, with the previously-mentioned box unchecked, click the "Backup!" button, and in that, uncheck the "create Audio_TS and Video_TS folders" box, and start the backup.

After that, yes, you're still left with a bunch of files, but only the VOB file contains the video. The others can be deleted entirely, and you're left with a single playable VOB file. From there, it's up to you to decide how you're going to want to play your files, and with what program, because you'll either leave it untouched or transcode it.

If you're not certain what you're going to do, I suggest backing up in the highest-quality you can. That means that before you hit the "Backup!" button, make sure to click on the "Compression Settings" tab within the "Re-author" mode, select the video track you dragged over, and choose "No Compression."

Another hint: DVDShrink can re-compress VOB's later on.