I came out to my truck after work and found not only a dead battery but my player seemed to have lost all its settings!

Okay, first things first.

Generic loss of electricity to the empeg doesn't make it lose all its settings, as far as I know. That kind of malfunction has been known to happen on occasion, but it's generally not related to a car's battery dying, as far as I know.

Your description of the settings that have been lost is interesting, because all of the settings you listed were ones stored on the hard disk, either in the dynamic data partition or in the config.ini file. I'm guessing you've got generic disk trouble causing that one.

did the empeg somehow fail and take the battery with it

As was already mentioned, some empegs have been known to malfunction by waking up when they are supposed to be asleep. The entire FAQ entry is here, but we still haven't narrowed down every single possible cause for it. One thing: So far, I haven't yet heard a report of the wakeup problem coinciding with a lost-settings problem or disk drive trouble.

(BTW the battery was purchased new less than 7 months ago)?

Now here's where it gets interesting. You purchased that battery for a reason: Because the prior one was dead. Perhaps there's a problem with the vehicle's charging system, perhaps completely unrelated to the empeg.

We could be looking at multiple simultaneous unrelated failures here.

Or maybe it really is all related. There's a possibility that there's a wiring fault of some kind with the empeg installation that's causing all of this. Are you seeing any other weirdness that you're not telling us about?

Tony Fabris