
I checked this out with 2 each 250GB drives using v9 builder.

It looked like everything was going well. It completed the build of hda correctly. It created the proper inodes for hdb until the end of the process it asked the following question which I had a 50/50 shot at getting it wrong. The following list shows what happened....

+ DRIVE12=hdb5
+ logshow_message("Making ")
'Making '
+ echo 'Making '
+ echo 'POPUP 9999 Making '
+ /bin/mkfs.ext2 /dev/
mke2fs 1.14, 9-Jan-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/ is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
ext2fs_check_if_mount: No such file or directory while determining whether /dev/
is mounted.
/dev/: Invalid argument passed to ext2 library while setting up superblock
+ /bin/swapoff /dev/
swapoff: /dev/: Invalid argument
+ /bin/swapoff /dev/hda3
+ /bin/swapoff /dev/hda6
+ log 'Done!'
+ echo 'Done!'
+ echoshow_message("Done!")
'POPUP 9999 Done!'
+ exec /bin/bash --login

It looks like it got an unexpected response.

The partitions appear to be built identical (correctly?)....

bash-2.03# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

3 0 244198584 hda
3 1 1 hda1
3 2 40162 hda2
3 3 40162 hda3
3 4 244027350 hda4
3 5 24034 hda5
3 6 64228 hda6
3 64 244198584 hdb
3 65 1 hdb1
3 66 40162 hdb2
3 67 40162 hdb3
3 68 244027350 hdb4
3 69 24034 hdb5
3 70 64228 hdb6

Did I just answer wrong or is there a problem?

Mark, what do you think?


In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.