Originally Posted By: Roger
Which is odd, since (as far as I can tell) the bulk of Vista SP1 was done by the core OS team -- the Vista SP1 kernel is essentially the Windows 2008 kernel.

I forgot about that. And indeed that does make it even more strange. Though I suppose if the core OS team was mostly focused on server 2008, and only really helped on the kernel in Vista, it could explain why the non server issues above are the worst of the bunch. IE the Aero, sound, screen lock, and UAC/Virtualization issues. The networking is probably close enough now, but still annoying that it is a step backwards in both Doug and my environments.

Vista frustrates me to no end mostly because it shows how far off track MS has gone. They still dominate the PC market, so a ton of people still have to deal with their issues. There was a time, even when I was switching to OS X that the talk about Longhorn excited me. It seemed like it was going to be a good step forward for the Windows world, adding a lot of good tech under the hood, a lot of interesting consumer features. 18 months after release, I still wonder what happened.