Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Dunno, but you could share her printer over the network and print directly from your computer.

Perhaps... if I were smart enough to figure out how to make the network function. SWMBO has a Macintosh, I run Windows Vista (to my regret) and the differences in religion are hard for me to work with.

Even if I could get the computers talking to each other, could I print to her printer? It is a USB printer, not Ethernet.


Fixable for $60 assuming other stuff is networked:


Tho' I won't let any relatives buy a printer without ethernet.

(edit: oh and sure you could share the printer over the network from a single computer but I hate that more -- making printing depend on the proper function of the hosting computer == bad, I think. Dedicated print server less trouble over time.)

Edited by jimhogan (13/09/2008 01:23)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.