I just had to share this. I haven't been a Dreamhost customer for a while now, but I still get those horrible newsletters. Funny, when I was a customer I thought they were such an annoyance, and now I just find the hilariously awful. Anyway, I thought the following was germane to this thread:

1. New... 50GB Free Personal Backups!

I've noticed my newsletters seem to have less and less themes recently.

Well, except for last month, I guess that had the Olympic theme. I guess
by recently, I mean really recently; like really, REALLY recently. Like,
just this newsletter.

In keeping with my no-theme theme, uh oh, I think I just made a destroy-
the-universe-LHC-style self-contradiction, here's a new feature that
pretty much has nothing to do with anything I said in the introduction!


Now, you know how we give out a LOT of disk space with our hosting? Well
technically that space is only supposed to be used for your _actual_ web
site (and email / database stuff) .. not as an online backup for your
music, pictures, videos, other servers, etc!

Well, just like every other web host does, we've been sort of cracking
down on that some lately, and it seems to catch some people by surprise!
Nobody likes being surprised, especially in the shower, which is where
we typically brought it up, and so now we offer a solution:

You CAN use 50GB of your disk space for backups now! The only caveat is,
it's a separate ftp (or sftp) user on a separate server and it can't
serve any web pages. There are also NO BACKUPS kept of THESE backups
(they should already BE your backups, not your only copy), and if you go
over 50GB, extra space is only 10 cents a GB a month (a.k.a. cheap)!

What do you people think about this? At first I was a little...I don't know...appalled? But now I'm not so sure it's a bad program.

What about you?