Get a (VERY) large hard disk -- looks like 15GB minimum for the finished product, perhaps 5X that space necessary for temporary shuffling of stuff.

Right on the money. I'm averaging just about a megabyte per page at 300 dpi. Disk space is not a problem. I have more than a terabyte of space on my computer, one 300GB drive is just sitting there empty. Her ultimate plan is to store the files on a few 8GB flash drives, but I hope to talk her out of that -- that doesn't seem like permanent/secure storage to me. I'm thinking maybe when it's all done, burn the files onto DVD data disks. Don't they hold something like 2.2 GB?

Temporary shuffling is not a problem -- I'm doing one file at a time, rarely more than 50 pages per file.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"