but found no dir called sbin/init

/sbin/init isn't a directory but a file. This is the file that decides
what is done when the empeg boots. The sbin/init you mention (note the
lack of leading /) is it located in some subdirectory or straight in
the root (/) ?

I've already been able to upload everything but 'timed' to the sbin/init directory.

Hmmm, let's qualify the above that you can probably rework stuff so
that /sbin/init is a directory, but I fail to see why anyone would...
I'll have to download the package and take a look.

Oh another ? there's 2 'timed' files to upload one is 'timed'
& the other is 'timed.c' I'm sure there's a difference?

timed.c is a source file (the humanly readable code) and it shouldn't
be necessary to upload that.

OK, downloaded the package: /sbin/init is normally a binary file that
starts the player. For those that have displayserver or other neat
stuff installed this is changed to a shell script (human readable text
file, much like a .bat file in Windows). It is into this file you need
to enter a command to start timed before starting the player.

Here's how my /sbin/init looks, and where I'd put the command to start
timed if I were to install it:

/bin/mount -n -o nocheck,rw /proc
/bin/mount -n -o nocheck,ro /dev/hda4 /drive0
/bin/mount -n -o nocheck,ro /dev/hdc4 /drive1
#cd /usr/local/displayserver
/drive0/var/empanim 1 40 < /drive0/var/Visuals/Empeg-rotate-anim.ema
/drive0/var/sleep 2
/drive0/var/empanim 1 47 < /drive0/var/Visuals/Reward-anim.ema
/drive0/var/sleep 5
#./displayserver -noauth
###I think the timed command should go here, like this
/bin/timed &

while [ 1 ] ; do
echo "Press q now to terminate to a shell prompt."
/drive0/var/getkey q && /bin/bash
echo Running Player...

As the instructions say, if you still have a binary /sbin/init, you
need to create a wrapper, with something like the following commands:

#This moves the original /sbin/init to /sbin/init.binary
mv /sbin/init /sbin/init.binary

#This creates a shell script by the name /sbin/init
#[enter] represents where you hit Enter for a new line
#[CTRL-d] represents pressing/holding Control and then hitting d while
# Control is down
cat > /sbin/init [enter]
#!/bin/sh [enter]
/bin/timed & [enter]
/sbin/init.binary [enter]

#makes the shell script executable
chmod 775 /sbin/init

#make sure old init is executable
chmod 775 /sbin/init.binary

