Originally Posted By: Boelle
*sigh* why the *biip* do they not want to pursue this? i think they at least should say why... and they havent used the source for the last 7 years.

You're asking why a bunch of people who've never worked on this code, might be disinclined to spend time and money on putting together a release in order to give it away for nothing, for the benefit of a group of at most about 4,000 people -- and for a product that's been EOL for eight years and never contained any Sigmatel or Freescale parts in the first place?

I would have been as delighted as anyone else if they'd decided to make a release, which is why I offered you the help I did -- but there's a reason that the sort of arrangement we proposed has never, ever happened before for any product in the entire history of consumer electronics.

This is US employment law we're talking about -- Texan employment law, at that. AFAICT the lights went out the same day.

huh? i did not get that one

Someone suggested that we should get in touch with the remaining contacts there before they actually left -- but (unlike what would happen in the UK) they actually left on the day the redundancies were announced.
