Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I'm just amazed at al the clueless bloggers who think that Cut and Paste was even in the top ten of most important things the iPhone needs. Cut and Paste isn't nearly as useful when there's no document support on the platform. The iPhone's biggest missing feature is a shared document space.

I couldn't care less about documents on the iPhone, yet I find situations where I neet Cut and Paste every single day.

Something as simple as pasting something into a short email, or a web form (such as posting to this BBS or a blog site).

Selecting and copying a street address from an email or a web site and pasting it into another email, or into a contact in the address book.

Those are things I want to do every day and I can't do them without cut and paste. Sure, sometimes there are "forward" features and "Add to contacts" and "email this link" but not every desired situation is covered by these features.
Tony Fabris