If you buy the Diaper Champ, you don't have to keep buying refills. We just use regular Costco trashbags in ours. Saves a bundle.

We love our Bugaboo Stroller. It grows with the Baby. A thousand bucks for a stroller! No Way! Craigslist is your friend. We got ours for $300 in good condition. That goes for most of this stuff.(EDIT: I see you're already good on the stroller. Nevermind then.)

If your wife is planning to breastfeed, my wife never goes anywhere without My Breast Friend. Corny name, but WAY WAY more effective than the ubiquitous Boppy pillows, because they actually stay in place. Boppy's are still useful for other stuff, so don't return it.

Also a Medela pump. Don't go for the cheap one, get the real thing.

In addition to the Baby Bjorn, get your wife a Moby Wrap. It's comforting to the baby. Ours used to fall asleep in it all the time.

I'm going to second jmwking's suggestion of the bouncy seat with vibating motor. Absolutely essential to keep your sanity so you can actually sit down to dinner together for a few minutes anyway.

Avent pacifiers. It's the only one ours will use. Have heard the same thing from other parents.

a Bumbo. These are awesome. Allows the baby to sit and eat or play when they normally don't have the muscle control yet. Just use some common sense about where you put it. You won't need this 'til about 4 months.

Gripe Water. Fixes hiccups. You'll worship me for that one. Also gas drops from the same folks.

Backpack diaper bags. Trust me, your hands will be full enough. We love our Baby Sherpa when we're hiking or traveling in Belize. My wife has a Petunia Pickle Bottom that she likes. Again, Craigslist is your friend.

This one's a bit more controversial. On Becoming Baby-wise. All I'll say is that it worked brilliantly for us. Has slept through the night since 10 weeks. Our friends are envious of how happy and alert and productive her wake times are. I know that's anecdotal, but I've got friends that use it, and many more who don't, and there's a marked difference.

I'll post more if I think of them.
~ John