I understand, but Exchange's IMAP support is terrible, and I included a lot of examples of that. The only Outlook-specific stuff I listed is stuff you'll have to deal with on a regular basis as a recipient.

Your pseudo-Outlook-response actually makes that point for me. Do you really want to be dealing with emails that look like that all the time?

(Oh, and the "From" line should have shown "Bitt Faulk", not "wfaulk".)

Also, if you're not using Windows, good luck using Outlook as your calendaring client. You're stuck with OWA, which, since you can't use IE, is complete dreck. And if you are using Windows, I can't tell you how much fun it is to have a calendaring client that consumes a third of a gigabyte of RAM.

I just remembered another one. At some point, someone is going to use Outlook's polling feature. Not only does that require Outlook to respond to, Exchange doesn't even bother to include any sort of information about the poll — not even in headers — via IMAP, so it's impossible to even write a Thunderbird extension to deal with it.

Edited by wfaulk (25/07/2009 13:08)
Bitt Faulk