Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Re: Sony (new today)... See what I mean?

No. Not really. If it was only Sony that ever recalled a faulty part that was manufactured by somebody else then yes there would be a point to you mentioning that.

I've got a bunch of replacement Dell laptop PSUs because the originals had a similar problem to these VAIO ones. My original Xbox has a special replacement mains lead that has a RCD built into it because the socket is flakey. There are a multitude of recalls for car parts which are even more dangerous because there is a serious chance of injury or death.

Whilst it is bad that they sold these potentially dangerous PSUs, it isn't specific to Sony. They're not even made by Sony. They asked one of the big PSU manufacturers that they'd like a PSU that outputs this voltage at this current and they'd like their logo stamped on the outside. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple used the same manufacturers.