Originally Posted By: Geoff
RIGHT(C12,2) should give the last 2 characters of the contents of C12, shouldn't it?

I dunno... that's why I was asking! smile

I'll give it a try and see what happens.



edit: Yes, indeed it does. Now I'll see if I can figure out the rest of it...


edit2: Well, it didn't take me long to figure out I was over my head again. How can I put a string into E12 that is C12 minus the last two characters, plus "áste" ?

In other words, if E12 contained the string Hablar, how would I convince cell E12 to contain the string Habláste, but only if the last two letters of E12 = "ar" ?


Edited by tanstaafl. (26/03/2010 22:27)
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