Are you surprised that Gizmodo is acting this way? This is pretty much the impression I had of them already. They've had writers kicked out of CES for using TV-be-gones. They hardly strike me as a mature media outlet.

By the way, something about this smells fishy to me. I know we're talking about an actual Apple employee, but also take this in consideration: when developers wanted to work on the iPad, they had to build a friggin' room to house it, bolt it to a table, and send Apple proof before they could receive it. And this was AFTER the product was announced, so we all knew about it already.

But here I'm supposed to believe that a 27 year old software engineer who's worked for Apple for three years is allowed to carry this new phone around anywhere? Is this for testing purposes or something? And this kid would just leave this thing in a bar?

I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but all I can think is that either this is a) a boneheaded move on the employee and Apple's part, b) a carefully constructed leek.