Podcasts I listen to regularly: (some of these already have been covered)

This Week in Tech - been a listener since Episode 0, and have only skipped a few. For me, this is what got me interested in podcasting, as it was a few ex TechTV people who got the ball rolling here. Caused me to buy an iPod Nano to have easy podcast listening in the car and on the go.

MacBreak Weekly - Been listening pretty much since day one as well. Guests have changed over time, but Andy Ihnatko has been one of the more amusing guests. He's pretty much been a regular now for probably 2 years.

The Instance - A World of Warcraft podcast done by Scott Johnson and Randy Jordan. Scott later made this the founding podcast of his own network Frogpants Studios. Some amusing podcasts on the network covering a variety of subjects.

Today in the Past - A daily podcast done by John Hodgman (Hello, I'm a PC, or from the Daily Show). Very amusing

Blizzcast - Blizzard Entertainment's official podcast. I don't think they quite understand podcasts though, as they have only done 14 over the past 2 years or so.

Podcasts I listen to from time to time, but don't make an effort to catch every show:

Car Talk - Already well covered what this one is

Current Geek - Scott Johnson and Tom Merritt (Formally from cnet, now at TWiT). 3 short (10 minute) shows a week, then one longer weekly episode done on the TWiT network. Covers the geeky stuff outside tech, from interesting science news to ComicCon like subjects.

I've listened to a number of others like Security Now, East meets West, Engadget, and AppSlappy, but they have tended to fall off my radar. Windows Weekly would probably be one I'd listen to, except it has one of the worst Microsoft apologists on it, Paul Thurrott. The people on Macbreak Weekly are at least reasonable enough to hold Apple accountable when they make mistakes, but I think Paul believes Microsoft can do no wrong. Or he doesn't want to harm his inside connections.

Also listened to one This Week in Google when I had the Samsung Captivate, but I don't think it's one that will stick for me. I'm just not that interested in keeping up with Android after my experience, and I don't use other Google services outside search to really care what the company is doing. I do like the hosts though, and follow Jeff Jarvis on Twitter.