Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy

I have the iPhone4 and the stupid clamor about the antenna spot is exactly that -- stupid. Yes, you can touch this spot and affect the signal, but it is very easy to hold the phone even in the left hand such that you don't do this. You can get a free case that eliminates the issue entirely if you can't manage to avoid touching a small spot that is clearly marked on the phone.

I really object to that. I love my iPhone 4 and I agree with everything else that you said.

It may be easy for you to hold it securely in your left hand and not trigger the antenna problem. For me however I cannot find a way to hold it avoiding the spot without ending up holding it in a uncomfortable and insecure grip.

Thankfully touching the spot in good signal areas isn't much of a problem and I don't exactly make many calls anyway. But if i was the sort of person who spends all day on the phone then it would be a real issue.

But I do object to being called stupid because my phone doesn't fit my hand as well as it clearly fits yours !
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