Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
Bad tracks?

No, because he said that when the noise does happen, if he switches to the radio and back again, the noise stays.

Wait. Now that I think about it... maybe I'm making an assumption about what he meant. He didn't really make it clear whether the noise continued to stay even during the time when it was in the radio mode, or if it went to normal sounding radio and then back to noise on the player application.

Clearly if he meant the latter, then it's definitely just bad tracks or hard disk trouble and we can just stop our diagnostics right now.

Graynada, please clarify: When you said that, did you mean it went like this?

- You are playing MP3s.
- Noise starts.
- You switch to radio.
- Noise keeps going while it's in radio mode.
- You switch back to MP3 player.
- Noise keeps going.

In other words, once the noise starts, it doesn't stop even when the player is in Radio mode?
Tony Fabris