Originally Posted By: mlord
[quote=mlord]This special hijack kernel now performs that test as part of the Vital Signs display (from the Hijack menu). If the DSP fails to respond, it prefixes the model name with a minus sign.

Eg. if you see this, it's toast: -Mk2a
Whereas this means all okay: Mk2a


Many thanks for the special kernel, I'll give it a go and see what happens.

I did have a fiddle with the wiring when I was fitting the amp switch but I didn't get to the back of the slede. I'll whip the sled out and have a poke about when I can slip away from kitchen fitting duties.

I hoping to receive a Rio shortly which again should aid diagnostics.

Mk2 v509 hijack
1996 Audi A8Q 4.2L