Lately, I've been, uh, cash-poor. Which means I've been drinking a lot of PBR. It's still darned good for a dirt-cheap beer. I did have some Redhook ESB in my fridge, and I've been slowly working my way through that. It's a decent middle-of-the-road ESB.

I think my favorite beer I've ever had is Old Speckled Hen. It's yeasty and malty; it's the most like liquid bread of any beer I've ever had. There's a major problem with it, though: it's sold (at least in the US) in clear bottles, and it's hard to come across them before they skunk up. You can also get it in widget cans, but I've never had a widget can beer that I thought was good at all. They all have, to me, a very oily mouthfeel.
Bitt Faulk