I suppose I'm not quite as cynical as some here (yet), but I do definitely see an oil/business connection with some of the recent events. The Daily Show had an amusing skit about "Freedom Packages" on Monday.

Stepping back from the specific international intervention in Libya and the motivations there, the situation with locals uprising interests me from a history making perspective. Almost every uprising I know about is one I learned about from history books, written as a report of the situation after it occurred. The events of Tunisia were broadcast to the world live as they happened, directly from the people involved. Even growing up in a technology age, major events like the fall of the Berlin wall were summarized by others and reported on by journalists, not directly shown to the world by the people who were directly involved.

Someone on TWiT said it well, we are still at the very early stages of understanding the internet and how it will change our lives. Very similar to the changes the printing press brought to civilization in the 1400s, and the delay before newspapers really caught on during the early 1600s.