Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: wfaulk
He may grasp it, and he may write better than your typical tech pundit, but he still writes like an 8th grader.
Bitt, I must [not-so] respectfully disagree.

The typical 8th grader, no, the typical high-school senior, writes like the semi-literate clod that he is, with misspellings, incomprehensible grammar and sentence structure, and not the faintest idea of how to present ideas in a logical sequence.

Why do you think that 82% of college freshman are required to take remedial English courses?

I think your expectations are too high, possibly being biased by exposure to the extraordinary competence of most of the people on this bbs.

"Wen I started Colege I cudnt evin spel jurnalist, and now I are one!" smile

Wow, I'm surprised your post didn't include the phrase "kids these days," or "whippersnappers."

I was going to write a longer response, but instead I'll point out the irony of your criticism of the literacy of today's children by pointing out that you stated "82% of college freshman," when the story you linked was specifically talking about percentages of community college freshmen. *edit* Just read it again, and it's even more specific: it's a single school they're talking about */edit*

Now, I'm not criticizing community colleges. Virginia has an excellent CC system. But to make that claim for the entirety of Colleges and Universities in the country based on one story about California community colleges is just plain misinformed.