Originally Posted By: taym
In short, he used robocopy (mirroring mode) in a script I had once made for him. Unfortunately, he got lazy in creating the off-line backup sets according to the backup strategy I had prepared for him.
The thing is, robocopy script is just one click away. Off line backup meant swapping hdds in HDD trays.
The sad thing is, he knew exactly the risk of not creating off-line backups. Yet, he said he would never imagine a 500GB dir to "disappear"like that.

Unfortunately this is where most backup systems fall down since people don't see any immediate need for it, they think it's OK to not do it every now and then. Eventually it stops completely.

It needs to be as automated as possible (cron jobs or scheduled tasks).
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)