Originally Posted By: hybrid8
It's fine for my wife and friends who aren't really computer savvy, but I can't imagine that anyone else finds it that useful overall.
My computer "savvyness" is certainly not on a level with yours or most of the people here... but among the people I associate with outside of this bbs, I am regarded as a computer god.

That said, when it comes to email, messages appear in my inbox, I read them, and respond to them. Sometimes I get really bold and initiate an email exchange myself. For that, Gmail is perfectly satisfactory. That's all I do with email, and I would bet that at least 90% of all the people in the world who use email do no more. Your imagination must be limited if you "...can't imagine that anyone else finds it that useful overall."

Just what do you do with email that is so esoteric that Gmail can't handle it?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"