Originally Posted By: mlord
And it's a lot easier typing notes on a real keyboard than on a touchscreen imitation!
Mark, that depends a great deal on what sort of typist you are.

I am a fairly proficient touch typist (~100 wpm) and if I had to do all my typing on an iPad, I would soon turn it into a Frisbee and go outside and play with the dog.

My wife, marginally a touch typist, is perhaps a fifth my speed, and it probably makes little difference to her whether she is typing on a touch screen or on the holy grail of keyboards, the IBM Selectric typewriter.

The third category is the group that types with two fingers, probably wondering what all the fuss is about. "Screen? Hard keys? What's the difference?"

Is there a fourth category: "Thumbers"?

I'm guessing that you fall into the first category, maybe even at the extreme guru level of being able to use the number keys on the top row of the keyboard without looking at your fingers. I've always been in awe of people who could do that...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"