I saw that one with Hyperterminal on the mars.org site, it gave me a start, but for some reason the player would _not_ drop to the shell after pressing Q.

Also, I noticed that the DSP seems to go into some sort of idle mode and needs initialization by the default player before you can output sound.

All this info is so widespread across different people's pages that I think the current Empeg hackers out there should join forces. :)

I don't want to criticize here, I think I read most of the active poster's pages (dev. related or not) and am impressed by what people do and have done with the Empeg.

However, this "tie it all together"-point is missing, even though smu seems to start working on that right now with his new page.

The webring is also a good idea (just on a side note), I am familiar with PHP programming and I bet there are existing scripts, that shouldn't be hard at all.

I'll be terribly short with spare time until end of August though, otherwise I would have tried to work something out.
