However, this "tie it all together"-point is missing, even though smu seems to start working on that right now with his new page.

The site was supposed to be this "tie it all together" site. I would still like to see it become that. Unfortunately, it's way behind on updates. I have forgotten who runs it. Is that PaulH's site, too?

These were exactly my problems with the site: Updates weren't made to it since about a year ago. Many many many things happened in the meanwhile, and it is still not updated.I mean, just read the "What's new" section of it. the latest entries that matter for developers are:
Developer's Mailing List   01 Feb 2001 Modified instructions 

Demo Code 28 Jul 2000 Added C-64 SID music player
Hardware Mixer Information 30 Mar 2000 New code to toggle the Soft Audio Mute

Nothing happened on the developer mailing list sind about august 2000 (if not longer), so the update on instructions regarding that mailing list is rather useless. So the latest updates on the side were done 12 respectively 15 month ago.
However, I hope this might change. I'm willing to shut down my empeg related infos and instead incorporate these in the site. I'm however not willing to spend a hell lot of time on adjusting my infos to the layout/design (that I like even less than the one of my own pages).
It seems as if these days, some developers become active in programming for the empeg.
The first thing we should clarify is the way we communicate with each other. It is ineffective and even destructive to use too many different ways. So what should we use? This board or the mailing list or a new mailing list?
The second thing is the way to handle common knowledge (or the knowledge we want to share). We could use, we could use * (i.e. any host in that domain, might as well be part of my existing website, or a standalone one), we could use the FAQ section of this BBS (micing programming info with user info).


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, #080000113)
proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord