Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Can someone explain to me how Gmail filters are supposed to be set up? I find the procedure to be quite unintuitive.

As a first step I am apparently supposed to open the message I'd like to filter so that I can prevent similar messages. I really don't like opening those, but to humor Google, I do it. Once it is opened (and not before!) I have a pull-down option of "More" which gives me another option to "Filter messages like these."

Are you sure you have to open it? I get that "Filter messages like these." option even when I have the messages selected in the index.

The "From" category shows by default the email address of the sender. But the spam I want to filter shows in my in-box as being from "Promotions Department."

Oh... spam? I don't create filters for spam -- I just select the messages in the inbox, and hit the "report spam" button (stop sign with the exclamation mark).

If it's coming from someone I've done business with in the past, then I will go to the trouble of seeing if it's some opt-out crap that I just need to request them to stop sending email.

I can't help with the rest, as I don't generally use filters.