Originally Posted By: Shonky
Wait, why are you running Windows?

This machine was originally intended to run a stripped down and specific purpose Linux distribution (Debian installed pretty easily/quickly). It's being repurposed to run SageTV in client mode now - which requires Windows for the type of license I own and the plugins I need to install.

The connection tree is definitely more useful in this case. But device manager in general is just so obtuse. Argh.

Now with the power of Google I've found it's an Atheros BT part. Why I don't see the name "Atheros" listed in Device Manager is beyond me, nor the name of the part. And why Windows wasn't able to find the driver when I told it to search a path where I'd unzipped every driver for this machine, which does include the BT driver.

Honestly, the process I just went through to put Windows on this machine is not something the typical consumer can accomplish. Or will even attempt. Zotac, the manufacturer could make this a lot more consumer friendly by packaging every single one of the required drivers into a single installer available from their web site. There may have been one included on CD/DVD that came with the computer, but that would be over a year old at this point and who knows where that disc is. Not to mention the computer doesn't have an optical drive in the first place.

Edited by hybrid8 (01/11/2012 12:24)
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