Sadly, I'm not sure anything will "jump the shark" for the audiophile industry. There have been such ridiculous products at such ridiculous prices for so long that nothing is going to deter the faithful. For people like US, however, the tarting up of a cable like THIS certainly is a case of taking this nonsense to a whole new level.

Originally Posted By: DWallach
Every once in a while, I think there must be good money in the shlock audiophile business. Otherwise, why would there be so many firms like this?

I'm wondering if things will change once the current crop of audiophiles - still remembering the days of analog - die off. I think the market will shrink enough to put a lot of these companies out of business. There will always been people out there with money to burn on ridiculous things, but I don't think there will be as many doing it out of obsession over audio quality.