Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
In the books, at least, the purpose of the Games was to create a hero for the people and give them hope that they might someday rise to the same heights. Bread and circuses.

I'm going to look up the origin of that phrase "Bread and circuses" so that I can understand how it relates to Hunger Games, but in the meantime...

I think that's the crux of my problem with this universe they're trying to get us to buy into. If you're an oppressive totalitarian government, when you create a hero for the people, don't pluck that hero out of the ranks of the oppressed... you're gonna get a rotten hero that way.

(Actually, you'll get a fantastic hero, but one that represents the people's view, not the government's view, i.e., the opposite of the government's goals in that case.)
Tony Fabris