I'm planning to wait and see about whatever Google's got planned for the Nexus 6 (allegedly coming very soon, if not this week). My one-year-old Nexus 5 has served me well, but the screen is cracked and it's pretty roughed up. Perhaps more importantly, my daughter covets my Nexus 7 tablet, and I'd be tempted to replace my current Nexus 5 + Nexus 7 with a single 6" phablet if it did all the right things (e.g., if it could play videos for a couple hours while I'm on a plane and not kill the battery).

The New York Times ran a glowing review of the OnePlus recently, and their only complaint was that the camera wasn't particularly good. That's pretty much what you might say about the Nexus 5. I'll be curious how the Nexus 6 stacks up.