Originally Posted By: Dignan
I assume there are a number of Chrome users here. Have any of you noticed that Chrome has the worst spell checker ever?

No, I haven't noticed that. I depend upon Chrome to spell check things like this forum post, and generally, when it gives me the little red squiggly underline under a word, it's correct about that word being misspelled (or it's a name or a tech word). I think Chrome's spell checker has generally been pretty darn good.

Only finding 100-or-so missing dictionary words over a four-year period is, I think, not bad at all for something like a web browser. I'd expect more from Microsoft Word, but for Chrome, I think that's doing pretty good.

Keep in mind that any software with a spelling dictionary is making tradeoffs between dictionary size, software execution speed, and software installation size. Chrome was always meant to be lean and fast, so I think it does darn good within that restriction.

The real issue here is, why the heck isn't spellchecking an OS feature in Windows by now? Why does it still have to be on a per-application basis? What a waste.
Tony Fabris