Pretty much any USB dock with a display will be DisplayLink. I'm not aware of any other brand.

I was looking at a HP one since it was one of few that could do resolutions greater than 2048x1152 or so. None can do proper UHD (at 60Hz) yet. For now I just have a big 10 port USB3 hub and have my old DisplayLink unit running off that, along with my scanner, keyboard, mouse, drive dock, 3 or 4 USB to serial adapters, a DVD writer. Single plug into laptop and it all connects fine (plus power and gigabyte Ethernet which I have directly on the machine so just 3 connections). It does take a few seconds to register everything.

There is most definitely an i7 XPS13 13 if you want. It shows on the Australian Dell site. Quite a price premium though you do get things like Intel wireless too.

Although the best two are i7.

Make sure you are looking at the 9343 XPS13. There is an older 9333 version it seems. It might come with the Ethernet adapter.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)