Originally Posted By: mlord
Here's the current storm track forecast, with a red blob roughly over where Doug lives.
John (JBjorgen) on the other hand.. is likely a bit closer to the path.
Right now it is windy and rainy, nothing too scary. John is going to get a bit more of it than I will, he's about 30-40 miles closer to the storm path.

As a precaution we moved everything in off the deck, braced the barbeque grill against the deck railing with some heavy flowerpots in front of it. I'm more concerned about dirty power as the wind rises, so as soon as I finish this I will disconnect my computer and go to bed. My Kindle Paperwhite works in the dark so if the power goes away, it won't bother me too much.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"