Okay, so I plugged the disk into an IDE-to-USB adapter and plugged adapter into Windows 7 PC USB port. The disk was recognized by Windows. Then I started up my Oracle VituralBox VM running CENTOS 7 and connected the USB device into my VM. It said it couldn't mount /dev/sdb1 because it was an NTFS filesystem. I ran your command in a terminal and disconnected the USB device from VM at which point Windows connected to it and stated that the drive couldn't be used because it wasn't formatted so I know this command worked:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 bs=512 count=1

I plugged the drive back into my empeg, reloaded the Big Disk Builder v6 and the Wizard gave the same error message. frown

Is there an easy way to set up the disk from within my CENTOS VM or to clone a disk that already has my music collection on it from within the VM? Or what's the next step?