I've noticed the following things on my tuner. Some have been reported, but some I think are new.

1. When I first boot up and switch to the tuner, there is a very bass-y "hum" that happens as the tuner is trying to hone in on the signal. It's rather loud and obnoxious. If it takes a second or two for it to tune properly, I'd rather it were silent while doing this. However, when switching to other stations, this doesn't happen, only when I first switch to the tuner. This is on FM.

2. I noticed sometimes a clock appears in the lower right hand corner. I'm guessing this based on RDS data? Well it seems some of the stations around here have VERY inaccurate RDS clocks. I think the clock should be the Empeg's own clock, and not something 20 or 30 minutes off at some radio station. Can someone clarify what the deal is with that clock?

3. This is more along the lines of a suggestion. There are 3 tuner banks. Would it be possible to allow the next and previous preset buttons continue on to the next bank, as if they were all one bank? In this area there are no less than 15 radio stations that are occasionally worth listening to, and it'd be nice to be able to go through them all. Like if I hit "next preset" when I'm on A10, I'd like to go to B1. I realize this isn't for everyone so maybe it should be configurable.

4. I understand visuals for the tuner are coming in 2.0. Any chance it will allow separate settings for Tuner visualization and MP3 visualization?

5. It looks like preset names are stored in the upper left. However, with an RDS station, the preset name is ignored once RDS is picked up, and it's replaced with their own station name string. I'd rather keep mine. This is kinda picky, but I'd like to have that option.

Otherwise I'm quite satisfied with my tuner. Reception is about the same as my head unit, but the Empeg is MUCH quicker at switching stations. Kudos on the excellent work getting the tuner module out, guys.

MkII #554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff