I have the amplifier sent with the mk1 but as it is on the shelf in my study, I don't think it's installed.
It is a bog standard antenna, no technical wizzardry like auto-extending type thangs, hyuk. it goes: antenna, cable, splitter, clarion on one side of the split, tuner mod on the other. I want to try putting the amplifier in and not have the splitter in, but this requires a weekend and a deconstruction of the dash as there are a couple of little things I want to do there, (pipe cold air from air-con, add relay to amp trigger, re-align transfunctional dimensionator; tedious stuff)

The empeg tuner seems really sensitive. is there any way to get it to be a little more relaxed on the signal?

-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?