Here's my take on your current setup...

You won't need an additional cable IP unless you want to have the empeg connect to the internet. You WILL however, need the empeg to have an IP address in the same subnet (range) as your other computer. Either by temporarily changing the IP on your computer, or better yet, by adding an additional IP to allow your computer to talk to the cable and to the empeg at the same time(of course, getting an additional cable IP would do this also, but it isn't necessary).

You won't see the empeg in network neighborhood without additional linux software (At least that was true the last time I got on a linux kick-- someone else will have to verify that), but if all the transfer is done via FTP, then you don't need network neighborhood anyway...

Hope this helps.


Reg #11 - Passed it up the first time, NOT passing it up the second...

[orange]Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 38 GB /[/orange] [green] Green [/green]