Frank does this with

getfid is a generic function used for :
- getting playlist info in javascript
- getting mp3 info in javascript
- streaming an m3u-file from the empeg
- streaming an mp3-file from the empeg
- download mp3's with custom names

Backup needs both fid-file (*0 *1), so I wrote another function just for backup. It just takes one parameter, the fid filename :

there's also a function which returns all fids available :

If you want to generate a full listing of all meta info on the empeg, the simplest way to go is use the CSV-dump in emplode, but if you want to go the hard way and do it yourself ( which is much more fun ), you could do it this way :
- call getallfids to get a list of fid files
- strip off the last zero or one from the fid-filenames
- use the new fid-filenames as parameter for getfid :

this will generate a javascript array which you could parse to get all relevant info

If you just want to change the filename that is downloaded from the default displayserver pages, you can edit test1.html to do this.
adjust the following line to change the saved filename :


Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel