Nader's scare stories aside, I would not keep a sharp-edged hard object between my face and explosive charge. Kenwood booklet that comes with remote is very specific about that (as is Renault's), and they provide a transparent sticker with diagram of the remote to be glued on the front side of the wheel.

When I first read that, I tended to agree, however, I'd also say from the pictures posted it's probably not a huge risk. His remote appears to be on the edge of the wheel, which would probably cause the remote to be propelled away from the driver.... probably into the passenger area, but that's another story....Just make sure the Mother in law is there...

Besides, I found it easier to operate the remote (actually, remotes, I have an older model which consists of two remotes, one with four and other five buttons, one for each side of the wheel) with my index and middle finger than thumb.

I've found it MUCH better on the back. It's just about second nature now for me, in about 1 weeks use, a few minutes each day. Plus, it's not noticable from 90% of the viewing angle.

I'll try the Silicone putty for the adhesive. I'm actually using the original tape now in a friction lock situation to hold the emitter... it works, but could be sturdier.
Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.