Sorry to disappoint Rob, but those names don't mean anything to me. Now if you'd said names like Ozzy, Tony Iommi, Jimmy Page, Dave Gilmour, Keith Emerson... etc (sorry to all those rock legends I missed out ) I might have known who you're talking about. As you can tell I'm not into any of that new fangled Trance malarkie. Give me good old fashioned Rock anytime. Probably the nearest thing to Trance I listen to would be Tangerine Dream and I don't think that's all that close . So anyway, if that's what Toby 'tunes' the visuals to, maybe you need someone else there to test it with proper music (ooh, ouch, I can feel those stones already ). Now... who do I know that listens to proper music...? Anyway getting back to the original topic; I'd still like a Voladjust type thing for visuals so that the quieter passages actually show something. I'd also like this feature to be tunable because some of the loud bits just make the visuals go too mental and OTT so I'd like to be able to reduce their FSD as it were. I can't believe I'm the only one that wants this.
Marcus 32 gig MKII (various colours) & 30gig MKIIa